Doug_Chartrand: Have a fun St. Patrick's Day!
Doug_Chartrand: Silver Lake Dam
Doug_Chartrand: Winter Joggers
Doug_Chartrand: Minnesota Geology Lesson
Doug_Chartrand: P3070005
Doug_Chartrand: P3070008
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1652
Doug_Chartrand: The Vortex
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1657
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1676
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1681
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1688
Doug_Chartrand: Wedding - Opinions Needed
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768_2 copy
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768_3_B&W
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768_3
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768 copy
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768_drawing
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_1768_orton copy
Doug_Chartrand: wedding photo
Doug_Chartrand: NieceWeddingPhoto
Doug_Chartrand: Wedding Dinner Leavings
Doug_Chartrand: P3140054
Doug_Chartrand: Duluth Lighthouse
Doug_Chartrand: P3170056
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_2125
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_2125 copy
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_2140
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_2191
Doug_Chartrand: IMG_2195