chrisyakimov: The gathering.
chrisyakimov: Marching at 8th and Cambie
chrisyakimov: Respect your mother. Like the sea, we rise.
chrisyakimov: Marching at 8th and Cambie
chrisyakimov: You can't drown out our voices the way you're drowning our planet
chrisyakimov: If you were smarter, we'd be in school
chrisyakimov: Why have an education if we have no future?
chrisyakimov: Planet over profit
chrisyakimov: I've seen smarter cabinets at IKEA
chrisyakimov: I left Australia to escape the heat
chrisyakimov: Over the bridge
chrisyakimov: Throng
chrisyakimov: I'm sure the dinosaurs thought they had time, too
chrisyakimov: Marching under City Hall
chrisyakimov: Bridge deck
chrisyakimov: Change is coming
chrisyakimov: I can't watch porn yet, but I'm watching the world get FUCKED
chrisyakimov: It's not co2, it's capitalism - close
chrisyakimov: It's not co2, it's capitalism.
chrisyakimov: Off the bridge
chrisyakimov: Solid wall of people
chrisyakimov: System change, not climate change
chrisyakimov: Go vegan
chrisyakimov: It's so bad, even the introverts are here
chrisyakimov: You should be scared
chrisyakimov: There is no planet B / Respect your mother
chrisyakimov: How dare you. Listen to the children.
chrisyakimov: I'm with her (the earth)
chrisyakimov: Stop destruction for profit. There's a reason we call them fossil fuels.
chrisyakimov: Respect yo mama