chrisyakimov: Defend our Coast - Alma
chrisyakimov: We stand on guard for thee
chrisyakimov: Thunderbird
chrisyakimov: Call and answer down Alma
chrisyakimov: Defending our coast at 4th and Alma
chrisyakimov: Patient and ready
chrisyakimov: From Alma to Clark's offices
chrisyakimov: Our Coast is not for sale
chrisyakimov: Our Coast is not for sale
chrisyakimov: Stop the lies Christy
chrisyakimov: Defend B.C.'s Coast
chrisyakimov: Ralley on 4th
chrisyakimov: Not a question of IF
chrisyakimov: Ralley on 4th
chrisyakimov: Not my premier
chrisyakimov: Quit our addiction to carbon
chrisyakimov: Renewables now
chrisyakimov: Priceless
chrisyakimov: Stop the sell-out
chrisyakimov: We shall defend our islands
chrisyakimov: Tankers are for Wankers
chrisyakimov: Conferring on 4th
chrisyakimov: There is no planet B
chrisyakimov: There is no planet B
chrisyakimov: Orcas not Oil Spills