chrisyakimov: Gathering outside
chrisyakimov: Oh Canada, A Plea to Save Our Land
chrisyakimov: Stop C-38
chrisyakimov: Stop Harper
chrisyakimov: Singing the revised Oh Canada
chrisyakimov: Wanted: 13 Honourable Souls
chrisyakimov: Sharing the alternate national anthem
chrisyakimov: Stop the Budget Bill
chrisyakimov: Honk to stop C-38
chrisyakimov: Stop the Bullying
chrisyakimov: The growing gathering
chrisyakimov: Stop Captain Harper
chrisyakimov: I have value beyond $
chrisyakimov: 30 points call and answer
chrisyakimov: Omnibus is a crime
chrisyakimov: Stop in the name of democracy
chrisyakimov: Stop C-38
chrisyakimov: Spilling into the streets
chrisyakimov: Dont run over us, with your omnibus