the.waterbird: All geared up and ready to go!
the.waterbird: Coulee bottom
the.waterbird: Coulee bottom 2
the.waterbird: Moose poop
the.waterbird: Porcupine!
the.waterbird: Jason enroute to the Nicole Homestead
the.waterbird: The Qu'Appelle Valley coulees
the.waterbird: A beautiful day!
the.waterbird: The Nicole Homestead property
the.waterbird: Rustlin' up some grub
the.waterbird: The Nicole Homestead
the.waterbird: Maple beans - yum!
the.waterbird: Happy Valentine's Day!
the.waterbird: across the lake
the.waterbird: slow snowshoeing only
the.waterbird: remnants of an adventure
the.waterbird: chilly
the.waterbird: winter coulee