dottie angel: 'tis the gleeful season...
dottie angel: on the 1st day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 1st day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 2nd day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 3rd day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 3rd day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 4th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 4th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 5th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 6th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 6th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 7th day of joyfulness
dottie angel: on the 8th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 9th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 11th day of joyfulness...
dottie angel: on the 11th day of joyfulness...