the dot conf: Scribbling Notes ©sNarah
the dot conf: The DotConf Crowd ©sNarah
the dot conf: It's all about the Halibut ©sNarah
the dot conf: Cake! ©sNarah
the dot conf: Joe, the Stormtrooper ©sNarah
the dot conf: Mark Little ©sNarah
the dot conf: Darren, Paul & Petra ©sNarah
the dot conf: DotConf: Like ©sNarah
the dot conf: Des Traynor ©sNarah
the dot conf: Jenga! ©sNarah
the dot conf: Where to next...? ©sNarah
the dot conf: The girls from IQContent ©sNarah
the dot conf: Martha Rotter ©sNarah