dotbleu1: Broad-billed Hummingbird
dotbleu1: Blue Grosbeak
dotbleu1: Hooded Oriole faceplant
dotbleu1: Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
dotbleu1: Rufous-capped Warbler (lifer)
dotbleu1: Rufous-capped Warbler (lifer)
dotbleu1: Varied Bunting on a nest
dotbleu1: Black-and-White Warbler
dotbleu1: Black-headed Grosbeak pair
dotbleu1: Magnificent Hummingbird
dotbleu1: Magnificent Hummingbird
dotbleu1: Plain-capped Starthroat!! Lifer!!
dotbleu1: Plain-capped Starthroat!! Lifer!!
dotbleu1: Red-tailed Hawk
dotbleu1: Tropical Kingbird
dotbleu1: Whiskered Screech-Owl!! lifer!
dotbleu1: Whiskered Screech-Owl!! lifer, complete with branch!!
dotbleu1: Wild Turkey
dotbleu1: White-winged Dove on backporch!
dotbleu1: Acorn Woodpecker
dotbleu1: American Kestrel in Moody Morning Light
dotbleu1: Bridled Titmouse
dotbleu1: Cassin's Sparrow in Catastrophic Looking Molt
dotbleu1: Cactus Wren claiming his Cactus
dotbleu1: Curve-billed Thrasher pair in backyard!
dotbleu1: Coronado National Forest
dotbleu1: Gambel's Quail in the backyard!
dotbleu1: Harris's Hawk on "Palm Tree"
dotbleu1: Hepatic Tanager
dotbleu1: Lark Sparrow