dotbleu1: Looking to Catch Oysters Oystercatcher Style
dotbleu1: Marbled Godwit
dotbleu1: Aligator
dotbleu1: Painted Bunting
dotbleu1: American Oystercatcher at Dusk
dotbleu1: Semi-palmated Plover
dotbleu1: Semi-palmated Plover
dotbleu1: Willet
dotbleu1: Dunlin
dotbleu1: Dunlin
dotbleu1: Dunlin
dotbleu1: Island Raccoon
dotbleu1: Trying to hide but still curious
dotbleu1: Double GHOW Cuteness
dotbleu1: Great Horned Owlet
dotbleu1: Great Horned Owlet Cuteness
dotbleu1: Black-crowned Night Heron
dotbleu1: Great Egret with the kids
dotbleu1: Northern Waterthrush
dotbleu1: Greater Yellowlegs
dotbleu1: Wattled Crane
dotbleu1: Banded Red Knot
dotbleu1: Banded Wilson's Plover
dotbleu1: Red-breasted Merganser
dotbleu1: Red-breasted Merganser
dotbleu1: Dunlin
dotbleu1: 'Red' Laughing Gull
dotbleu1: Horned Grebe
dotbleu1: Willet Portrait