dotbleu1: Loggerhead Shrike | Lanius ludovicianus
dotbleu1: SunsetCliffs_SD_040608
dotbleu1: MissionBaySD_RC_040608
dotbleu1: GPTtoATL2_030608
dotbleu1: ATLtoGPT6_030408
dotbleu1: ATLtoGPT5_030408
dotbleu1: ATLtoGPT4_030408
dotbleu1: MSPtoATL7_021808
dotbleu1: MSPtoATL6_021808
dotbleu1: MSPtoATL2_021808
dotbleu1: MSPtoATL1_021808
dotbleu1: ATLtoMSP4_021508
dotbleu1: GPTtoATL2_021408
dotbleu1: Swainson's Thrush 2 | Catharus ustulatus
dotbleu1: American Oystercatcher 3 | Haematopus palliatus
dotbleu1: Dunes on Jekyll Island South Beach | Foreground
dotbleu1: Dunes on Jekyll Island South Beach | Background
dotbleu1: Shrimp Boat off Jekyll Island
dotbleu1: Jekyll Island South Beach Sunset
dotbleu1: Dunes at Jekyll Island South Beach
dotbleu1: Red-winged Blackbirds | Agelaius phoeniceus
dotbleu1: Moon_RC_PineChapel_010508
dotbleu1: Ruins_StCats_LibertyCo_101008
dotbleu1: Spartina_LSSI_101208
dotbleu1: MarshAtSapelo_101108
dotbleu1: CabrettaBeach2_RC_SapeloIsland_101108
dotbleu1: CabrettaBeach3_RC_SapeloIsland_101108
dotbleu1: MarshOnSapelo_101108
dotbleu1: Daybreak at the River
dotbleu1: Reflection on the River