Michele Dorsey Walfred: Feed me now!! Squawk!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: I demand to be fed!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Why am I here? Where’s my nest? Where’s my room service?
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Papa, what is going on? Feed me please!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Feed me now! I like it better when you do it!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Mommy! Momeeee!! Feed me!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Finch Family Feeding
Michele Dorsey Walfred: What’s going on? Am I supposed to feed myself? What is this nonsense!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Mama don’t leave me, you must feed me!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Mama: Enough already! Geesh!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Nom nom nom nom nom
Michele Dorsey Walfred: More more more more more!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Mama finally feeds her baby!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: down the finch hatch
Michele Dorsey Walfred: C'mon mom, get with the feeding program
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Yes, I failed the feeding lesson, now feed me!
Michele Dorsey Walfred: Ah! This is more like it!