dorrisd: How to bottle feed a baby goat
dorrisd: Spot the difference
dorrisd: There's a kind of hush...
dorrisd: Close encounter with a pretty lady
dorrisd: Close encounter with a stag
dorrisd: Doe -a deer- a female deer :-)
dorrisd: Easyriders - PUGS-R-US
dorrisd: Grazing Elk, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
dorrisd: Honey bee pollinates white cosmea flower
dorrisd: Life's a bitch at times
dorrisd: Beauty & Job
dorrisd: Run girls....Mr Buck is on his way ....
dorrisd: Antler parade
dorrisd: Castlerigg at sunset, when sheep take control of the stone circle
dorrisd: Just chillin' on the wall.....
dorrisd: Deer spotting
dorrisd: Oh, shepherd, where art thou?
dorrisd: Meet Kowalski
dorrisd: Bright eyes
dorrisd: A little bird told me...
dorrisd: Some like it hot
dorrisd: Elmo
dorrisd: Can't live without you honey
dorrisd: Lamb
dorrisd: Stag party
dorrisd: Pure innocence
dorrisd: Getting 40 winks
dorrisd: Buzz off
dorrisd: Foxy lady
dorrisd: sheep stop or cheap stop