ibkc: Pecan Tree, Polk County, GA
ibkc: Rural View, Polk County, GA
ibkc: Abandoned Railroad Trestle, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Spring and Creek, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Stone Table and Seats, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Old Pecan Tree, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Tiny Skeleton on a Stone Seat, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Spring, Youngs, Georgia
ibkc: Stitched Panorama of Polk County Farmland
ibkc: Gus and Holden Blowing Bubbles
ibkc: Remains of a Bird of Prey
ibkc: Walled-Off Spring
ibkc: Flowers overhanging the Creek
ibkc: Walled-off Springs Along the Creek
ibkc: Pecan Trees Sky