Dorothy Anne: Arrow dipping and Encaustic paintings (Greco-Romano)
Dorothy Anne: Ancient work woman
Dorothy Anne: village workers
Dorothy Anne: getting fettled
Dorothy Anne: Lower Entrance to the Park
Dorothy Anne: 17th Cent pram
Dorothy Anne: making shot
Dorothy Anne: old stove
Dorothy Anne: Canvas town
Dorothy Anne: Work in progress
Dorothy Anne: Village store
Dorothy Anne: Red Coats
Dorothy Anne: Old Romans on battle alert
Dorothy Anne: Medieval Music on stage
Dorothy Anne: crossbow making workshop
Dorothy Anne: view of village people
Dorothy Anne: Village Work
Dorothy Anne: Village work
Dorothy Anne: The funfare
Dorothy Anne: Ancient Greek Soldier
Dorothy Anne: Greek Soldier
Dorothy Anne: Dagger sharpener
Dorothy Anne: Armourer
Dorothy Anne: Don't let your Toga catch fire!
Dorothy Anne: Footpads on the dukes parkland?