Dorothy Anne:
July2009 109
Dorothy Anne:
Chapeltown Park in snow
Dorothy Anne:
From the flood to the Italian hills
Dorothy Anne:
Pebble composition in blue and gold July09
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 20seconds sketches upwrds
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 046
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 045
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 044 1min 2 mins 3mins
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 043 25 mins
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 04225 mins
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 040 10mins
Dorothy Anne:
July2009 038 10 mins
Dorothy Anne:
Lynne and class display (after Henry MooreExhibition
Dorothy Anne:
june2009 332 Lynne(after Henry Moore Exhibition
Dorothy Anne:
june09 Yvonne and Janet(after Henry Moore Exhibition
Dorothy Anne:
june2009 Carol(after Henry Moore Exhibition
Dorothy Anne:
june2009 329 other side of class display(after Henry Moor Exhibition
Dorothy Anne:
june2009 Entry to San Gimignano Acrylic p.knife
Dorothy Anne:
Water Lilies June 2009
Dorothy Anne:
The old boat no2
Dorothy Anne:
june2009 040Monet's garden done May 2007
Dorothy Anne:
Mr Monet's garden
Dorothy Anne:
Iris Monet's garden (pallett Knife acrylic 16 x20 in)
Dorothy Anne:
the Iris (pallett knife acrylic)
Dorothy Anne:
May2009Last week's Life class
Dorothy Anne:
May2009 No 21 One more cup of coffee for the road
Dorothy Anne:
Art Group 07/05/09White on Black
Dorothy Anne:
Art Group 30/4/09Black on white
Dorothy Anne:
March 2009 045 (Highlands)
Dorothy Anne:
March 2009 044 Thurs group