dorofoto: blue
dorofoto: to swim
dorofoto: the turn
dorofoto: Restore a freedom to seeing, thinking, and feeling
dorofoto: Good art does not go out of style
dorofoto: Highlighting the awkwardness
dorofoto: The deep end
dorofoto: Sinfonie in blau
dorofoto: Salinger also says, poets are always taking weather so personally, they stick their emotions in objects that have none, too
dorofoto: The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot, André Breton says
dorofoto: A swimming pool in summertime
dorofoto: A poet must leave traces of his passage, not proof. Only the traces make you dream, René Char says
dorofoto: I have a burning desire to see what things look like photographed by me, Garry Winogrand says
dorofoto: If we go down into ourselves, we find that we possess exactly what we desire, Simone Weil says
dorofoto: To find a form that accommodates the mess that is the task of the artist now, Samuel Beckett says
dorofoto: Holding on to blue