Mike Monteiro: Little girl dressed as Wonder Woman peers into her future — decides to make a change.
Mike Monteiro: CHARLIEHORSE!!!
Mike Monteiro: The Nerd Sea
Mike Monteiro: Watching Chowder
Mike Monteiro: Henry, Dalek, Merlin Mann.
Mike Monteiro: Ohhh, people. People. People. People.
Mike Monteiro: Luxurious Hair
Mike Monteiro: Peter Mayhew hates you as much as you love him.
Mike Monteiro: Elvis Trooper never disappoints.
Mike Monteiro: Fans. I heart fans.
Mike Monteiro: We're here for Jason Carlin.
Mike Monteiro: Ninjas and Kobra in line for lunch.
Mike Monteiro: "Here, let me get it; I've got ginormous nails."
Mike Monteiro: One, possibly two, people wearing fake body-mass suits.