Doris Bauer: Sunday morning at the river Isar
Doris Bauer: From the dark to the break of dawn...
Doris Bauer: From the dark to the break of dawn...
Doris Bauer: From the dark to the break of dawn...
Doris Bauer: From the dark to the break of dawn...
Doris Bauer: Nymphenburg am Muttertag
Doris Bauer: Nymphenburg am Muttertag
Doris Bauer: Nymphenburg am Muttertag
Doris Bauer: Nymphenburg am Muttertag
Doris Bauer: Tired but happy
Doris Bauer: A Sunday morning walk
Doris Bauer: Sonnenaufgang
Doris Bauer: DSCF1096
Doris Bauer: DSCF1091
Doris Bauer: IMG_0025
Doris Bauer: Nymphenburg
Doris Bauer: Enjoying the sunrise
Doris Bauer: Early morning in Porec, Croatia
Doris Bauer: Englischer Garten, München
Doris Bauer: IMG_0404