Janette & Jack,on and off:
Pterocaulon sphacelatum 1
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Nameless Weed
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Grevillea Superb unfurling
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Wanderer Butterfly and Geraldton Wax flowers
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Grevillea Superb
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Corymbia Ficifolia
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Ptilotus Exaltatus Joey 1
Janette & Jack,on and off:
A most unusual flower
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Geralton wax flower
Janette & Jack,on and off:
A stunning weed
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Native Hibiscus Bud Unfurling (Hibiscus Heterophyllus)
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Love in a Mist
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A handful of sunshine
Janette & Jack,on and off:
The Accidental Bee in a Pink Mink Protea
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Glistening bee
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Little pink flowers (Leptospermum sp.)
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Cordyline Electric Pink
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White Bougainvillea
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Just glorious colour (Strelitzia reginae)
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Beautiful Fringe Lily
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Sparkling Camellia
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Protea pink tinged
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Heart of the Gordonia
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Weeds just weeds
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Afterglow protea
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Blue balloon flowers
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Proteaceae Crown
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Bee wing shadows on red dahlia
Janette & Jack,on and off:
Heart of a scaevola
Janette & Jack,on and off:
A weed called Nafray