Dori1979: Anglia, Bridlington Eye
Dori1979: Bridlington Eye, England
Dori1979: Bridlington
Dori1979: Durham, England
Dori1979: England, cliffs St Abbs
Dori1979: Dune Dykes, England
Dori1979: krabik
Dori1979: Anglia, Dune Dykes
Dori1979: Flamborough, England
Dori1979: Flamborough, England
Dori1979: Flamborough, England
Dori1979: on the Ferry - from Hull to Rotterdam
Dori1979: Holenderski wiatrak w Kinderdjik
Dori1979: Gouda, Netherlands
Dori1979: Gouda - sklep , w kt kupilismy tradycyjny ser gouda
Dori1979: Holenderski jarmark, Gouda
Dori1979: Zaanse Schans, Netherlands
Dori1979: Zaanse Schans
Dori1979: Zaanse Schans
Dori1979: Zaanse Schans,Netherlands
Dori1979: Zaanse Schans,Netherlands
Dori1979: na piwku w Goudzie
Dori1979: Rafal z serkiem
Dori1979: Rotterdam,Netherlands
Dori1979: Rotterdam, smieszne krzeslo
Dori1979: Latarnie na placu w Rotterdamie
Dori1979: Rotterdam - zyrafa to czy slon?
Dori1979: Rotterdam
Dori1979: Rotterdam - rondo 2 zyraf
Dori1979: Rotterdam