Emma Dorber: Bridge Over Chew Stream
Emma Dorber: Merry and Bright
Emma Dorber: Comfortable Footwear
Emma Dorber: Lens Dust Blower
Emma Dorber: Easy Lego Build
Emma Dorber: 40 + 10
Emma Dorber: Spring is on its way...
Emma Dorber: Cozy toes...
Emma Dorber: Instant camera, instant photos
Emma Dorber: Always the Joker!
Emma Dorber: Well worn...
Emma Dorber: Long Jump
Emma Dorber: The Cheddar Gorge Mural
Emma Dorber: Noise Defenders
Emma Dorber: A walk in the woods...
Emma Dorber: Dry Stone Wall...
Emma Dorber: On a Quest to the next village for lunch...
Emma Dorber: Swimming with a view...
Emma Dorber: Colourful Spotty Stickers...
Emma Dorber: It's good to keep in touch...
Emma Dorber: A favourite DVD in our house
Emma Dorber: Helps correct my vision...
Emma Dorber: A bit of a muddy puddle...
Emma Dorber: From our Strawberry Crop
Emma Dorber: Yearly Calendar, just move the dial...
Emma Dorber: This one has such 'Zing' for Life
Emma Dorber: Sunshine is a welcome thing...
Emma Dorber: Human Bridge...
Emma Dorber: Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's a cloud!
Emma Dorber: Disappearing & reappearing steps...