doow.: I'll sit here
doow.: Flowers
doow.: The cake
doow.: Wedding cake
doow.: Ann
doow.: Dad
doow.: Lauren and Dave arrive
doow.: Isabel
doow.: Mum
doow.: Dave
doow.: Photographer David
doow.: Matt
doow.: Ann, Douglas and Susan
doow.: Debbie
doow.: Lee
doow.: My sister-in-law
doow.: Phil and Hannah
doow.: There's always time for a blurry self-portrait
doow.: Father of the bride
doow.: Best man
doow.: Cutting the cake
doow.: Cutting the cake
doow.: Cutting the cake
doow.: Nannie Joyce
doow.: Waiting to throw the rose petals
doow.: Darcie
doow.: Keith
doow.: Jackie
doow.: Vanessa