doow.: path to the stile
doow.: leaves turning red
doow.: water trough
doow.: man-made and natural security with spikes
doow.: oasts
doow.: ivy tangle
doow.: kentish view
doow.: stream
doow.: reflection
doow.: rosehips
doow.: oak leaves
doow.: bracken
doow.: ouch
doow.: yellow leaves
doow.: pylons
doow.: cowardly tree
doow.: horse chestnut tree
doow.: hops
doow.: leaves
doow.: leaves and conkers
doow.: church lane
doow.: leaves
doow.: leaves
doow.: acorns and acorns and acorns
doow.: cobweb on the church gate
doow.: acorns near the church
doow.: church path
doow.: from the lovely old yew tree
doow.: cemetery
doow.: cemetery