Dooquie: Hole 3
Dooquie: Hole 2
Dooquie: Hole 1
Dooquie: Counter 1
Dooquie: Pendants 1
Dooquie: Trim and Texture
Dooquie: Erin and Kaya in the Hole.
Dooquie: Erin and Kaya in the hole.
Dooquie: IMG_2136
Dooquie: IMG_2137
Dooquie: Thank you Micki for the stone!
Dooquie: IMG_2141
Dooquie: IMG_2142
Dooquie: My new Dirt Jump road bike!
Dooquie: Thank you Paul for the goodies!
Dooquie: Thank you Paul for the goodies!
Dooquie: King Headset with my sweet robot collection in the background.
Dooquie: Super Cus King front hub. Old School King.
Dooquie: IMG_2145
Dooquie: Driven RZ Components
Dooquie: Custom stemcap. This is what happens when I get a hold of the laser!
Dooquie: Driven RZ components and King Rear Wheel