Dooquie: Bangles in Figgys Bed
Dooquie: Figgy Girl
Dooquie: What a cutee
Dooquie: Grifter exploring his new toys
Dooquie: Jake and baby Grifter
Dooquie: Baby Grifter sleeping
Dooquie: Ian sunbathing
Dooquie: Grifter 9 weeks old
Dooquie: Baby Grifter
Dooquie: Grifter and his brothers and sister feeding
Dooquie: My babies and I watching TV in the office
Dooquie: Brother Omar, Mother Abbey, and Grifter waiting patiently for treats 2
Dooquie: Brother Omar, Mother Abbey, and Grifter waiting patiently for treats 1
Dooquie: Grifter dominating his brother Omar
Dooquie: Christmas 2006
Dooquie: Grifter in my Bed