Doodman: 275/365 (Visitor)
Doodman: 260/365 (Family Festoonings)
Doodman: 258/365 (Break Out The Aluminium)
Doodman: 245/265 (Pier Support)
Doodman: 227/365 (Semi-Final Frenzy)
Doodman: 212/365 (The Thinking Wall)
Doodman: A walk in the woods
Doodman: 196/365 (Relishing in the Awesomesauce)
Doodman: 190/365 (Birthday Sonata)
Doodman: 189/365 (October 15,1979)
Doodman: 173/365 (The Door Man)
Doodman: 163/365 (Through the Archway)
Doodman: Red petal bokeh
Doodman: 154/365
Doodman: 127/365 (INTERCEPTION!)
Doodman: Ben and Erin's wedding portrait
Doodman: 122/365 (adrenaline rush)
Doodman: 121/365 (When they've all gone home)
Doodman: bridesmaid bounce!
Doodman: 120/365 (One Bodacious Bride!)
Doodman: Eyes of the bride
Doodman: The newlyweds
Doodman: 117/365 (to obtain bliss)
Doodman: 105/365 (while Picaday's away, Doodman will play!)
Doodman: 93/365 (throwing up with my people) :D
Doodman: What happens in Paris...
Doodman: Strawberry goodness
Doodman: Schooling the elders in the family