the doodlers: IMG_1934CassMax
the doodlers: IMG_2071MaxCassMontreal
the doodlers: IMG_2275TequilaBookLaunch
the doodlers: IMG_2291TequilaBookLaunch
the doodlers: IMG_2271TequilaBookLaunch
the doodlers: NuitBlanchePagesRepent_1
the doodlers: NuitBlanchePagesRepent_2
the doodlers: NuitBlanchePagesRepent_3
the doodlers: IMG_2282TequilaBookLaunch
the doodlers: IMG_0310_KikiJasper
the doodlers: TinkCurl
the doodlers: Kiki/Joey/Brushed
the doodlers: Kiki In Purple_1
the doodlers: JasperProwls
the doodlers: IMG_0657_Kiki
the doodlers: IMG_1030_JasperKiki
the doodlers: YinYang_Brown
the doodlers: YinYang_1
the doodlers: Kiki Lounges
the doodlers: Jasper_Rembrandt
the doodlers: March20_06
the doodlers: JohnReadsWJaz_colourblock_2
the doodlers: JohnReadsWJaz_colourblock_1
the doodlers: JohnReadsWJaz_colourblock_3
the doodlers: JohnReadsWJaz_colourblock_4
the doodlers: JvBSudoku
the doodlers: IMG_3593
the doodlers: IMG_3600
the doodlers: Max In The Hall
the doodlers: Max 6 Sleeping...