Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Front of my second quilt with Casper kitty...
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Dirt bike crazy quilt square
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): First embellisher project
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): fabric stencil and texture rub
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Tortoise pillow made for my Grandma
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Home of the FREE because of the BRAVE!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Kitchen Roman Shade Curtains....SW chicken theme.
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Knit & Felted Fiber Art Bubble Bag
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Beading and Felting Class projects...
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Knit seed beads! Tiny!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Making DoodleBug labels with CJ's help!! LOL!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines): Making a shawl. Caesar must inspect!