Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Our newest family addition....
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Poor Tex!!!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tex relaxing on top of Hubby's dresser.
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tex helps make homework more interesting.
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Our 3 cats
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
My Official Ribbon Tester!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Eeeegads! My sewing area!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Supervising the positioning to make sure the purse sews out perfectly!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Ozzie... love bug!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tinta... sweet girl!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tex and Tinta have much in common...
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tinta likes to help change the bedsheets!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Meet Ceasar, our cross-eyed Siamese mix.
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Lizards...... four!!!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
If I stare long enough she'll wake up...
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
So bright ....but feels so goooood!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tex and 10 year old are best buds!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Ceasar supervises!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Kitty Heaven.... Sunshine!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Kitty with my necklace... LOL
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Kitty Inspector: Tex the Tonkinese gives his seal of approval on the felted knit bag!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Tex at the window... on my way to work!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
CJ's 1st day with us....
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
CJ's 1st day with his new family...
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Anyone lose a cat? Cat Found? Lost Cat? Only in LA
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
White Kitty CJ is relaxing.... after early morning jungle cat game!
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Funny how CJ can sleep on anything....
Laurie LS Wright (DoodleBugDezines):
Making DoodleBug labels with CJ's help!! LOL!