donyastockton: Musicians in the Zocalo
donyastockton: Cathedral doors
donyastockton: The dome of the cathedral
donyastockton: Chapel in the Cathedral
donyastockton: Chapel in the Cathedral
donyastockton: Pipe Organ
donyastockton: Back wall of the Cathedral
donyastockton: Etched glass doors
donyastockton: Etched glass doors
donyastockton: Feed the birds, tuppence a bag...
donyastockton: Painting the Art
donyastockton: Painting the Art
donyastockton: Mezcal bar
donyastockton: Randall with really big Soccer Ball
donyastockton: Randall with really big Soccer Ball
donyastockton: DSCF1043
donyastockton: DSCF1044
donyastockton: DSCF1045
donyastockton: DSCF1046
donyastockton: DSCF1047
donyastockton: DSCF1048
donyastockton: huitlacoche
donyastockton: Mercado
donyastockton: Chapulines at the mercado
donyastockton: For protection
donyastockton: DSCF1055
donyastockton: DSCF1056
donyastockton: DSCF1057
donyastockton: Cooking Class
donyastockton: The view from the patio at Casa de Crespa