Don't Worry: Convenience Cat
Don't Worry: Cleo Curled Up on a Cast-Iron Couch Flanked by Two Red Pillows Symbolizing Something Important, While Further Flanked by Two Huge Candles on Tables That Might, if Lit, Act as Two Lamps
Don't Worry: Sea Turtle Above Me
Don't Worry: Sea Turtle
Don't Worry: Sea Turtle & Zack
Don't Worry: Stalking a Sea Turtle
Don't Worry: Glowing Eyes
Don't Worry: Matching Bellies
Don't Worry: MySpace Photo with Cat
Don't Worry: Hungry & Licking Lips
Don't Worry: Sad Cat Looking for Pennies
Don't Worry: Sad Cat
Don't Worry: Snail Aftermath
Don't Worry: Snail Conquest
Don't Worry: Snail Attack!
Don't Worry: Turtles
Don't Worry: Birthday 'Pillar
Don't Worry: Skate Egg Sack
Don't Worry: What's In the Bag?
Don't Worry: Snail Passing Under Bud
Don't Worry: Cleo Cat & Her Manifest Destiny
Don't Worry: Dog, Bench
Don't Worry: Right, Pigeon?