dontbe10: restaurant
dontbe10: bakery
dontbe10: bouchon counter
dontbe10: the selection
dontbe10: favorite food
dontbe10: cooler
dontbe10: ham and cheese
dontbe10: excited
dontbe10: deciding
dontbe10: in bouchon
dontbe10: cups
dontbe10: coffee
dontbe10: waiting for food
dontbe10: morning snack
dontbe10: box of goodness
dontbe10: my favorite
dontbe10: looks like a hamburger
dontbe10: caramle macaroon
dontbe10: leftovers
dontbe10: patio cafe
dontbe10: bouchon
dontbe10: bottega
dontbe10: cool chicken
dontbe10: waint to eat there so bad
dontbe10: french laundry entrance
dontbe10: french laundry pears
dontbe10: arriving at the castle
dontbe10: watch tower
dontbe10: walking up