vladShl: She's got legs...
vladShl: Oh sweet green (In Boston's North End)
vladShl: Mood #2
vladShl: Symbols of Sun
vladShl: O&O near San Pietro in Vencoli, Rome
vladShl: O&O in Trastevere, Rome
vladShl: O&O in Rome (this was not staged)
vladShl: Egypt, Gaza
vladShl: Egypt, Gaza
vladShl: Paparazzi
vladShl: Venice, resting gondolier
vladShl: Venice, Gondola from Academia Bridge
vladShl: Venice, Piazza San Marco, pigions
vladShl: Venice, Piazza San Marco during high water, La Carabiniera
vladShl: Venice, the profile
vladShl: Venice, OO are locked on the target
vladShl: Washington DC - Tango under the sky