Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 2 of #the100dayproject. At work again today. #Theyusethee. But it’s a crayon; aren’t they supposed to use it? #100dayproject #stuckunstuck100
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 6 of #the100dayproject. It is Sunday, and there is coffee and cake. #whenweareglad #100dayproject #StuckUnstuck100
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 4 of #the100dayproject. At the plot. It rained. I stood in the shed for a while. #100dayproject #StuckUnstuck100 #inerroristandperplexedbetwwendrippingwaterreeds
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 5 of #the100dayproject. At the plot again, got the bed for the kale free of weeds. 😃 #ienjoythisbattlesoundthechargetowork #stuckunstuck100
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 1 of #The100DayProject
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 3 of #the100dayproject. I’m a timid chef. The ovens all seem to say: #icanbedangerous #praisemewell. #stuckunstuck100
Donna Nicholson Arnott:
Day 7 of #the100dayproject. I enjoyed layering up the short poses by Stuart and then adding some words. #lovedrawingfeet #lovedrawinghands #andlookhisfeethishands #100dayproject #stuckunstuck100