Rusty Junior: Leaving Parkville Road
Rusty Junior: Croatia!
Rusty Junior: Church in the main square
Rusty Junior: Walking down to the Harbour
Rusty Junior: One of the little streets
Rusty Junior: We walked up all these stairs
Rusty Junior: Hvar coast
Rusty Junior: Walking down to the Harbour
Rusty Junior: Harbour
Rusty Junior: In the wine bar
Rusty Junior: Cheers!
Rusty Junior: How to open a champagne bottle with a knife
Rusty Junior: Success!
Rusty Junior: Laura learning how to open a champagne bottle with a knife
Rusty Junior: Laura learning how to open a champagne bottle with a knife
Rusty Junior: Cork from one of the bottles we opened
Rusty Junior: Champagne opened with cutlass
Rusty Junior: Cheers!
Rusty Junior: Us with Stuart
Rusty Junior: Us with George
Rusty Junior: Our terrace
Rusty Junior: Square
Rusty Junior: Main square
Rusty Junior: Church
Rusty Junior: Narrow street
Rusty Junior: Nancy and Kat
Rusty Junior: Posh sunbeds