冬梦: Zion National Park, Watchman in the late evening
冬梦: Zion National Park
冬梦: Bridge Mountain and Virgin River, Zion NP
冬梦: Zion National Park, Watchman at sunset (365_240)
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ (365_242)
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ
冬梦: Lower Antelope Canyon, AZ
冬梦: Camping under starring sky (365_242)
冬梦: Sunrise at the sand dunes of Death Valley (365_244)
冬梦: Racetrack, Death Valley National Park (365_245)
冬梦: Camping in Death Valley