dongato: One Hitch Hiker
dongato: TwoHitch Hikers
dongato: Skimming the surface
dongato: 02-22-10 Taking off
dongato: Soaring
dongato: Going Away
dongato: Island with bird
dongato: Bookend Birds
dongato: Dock Guard
dongato: Cormorant still on the piling
dongato: Cormorant on a piling
dongato: One low one hgh
dongato: All of Bird Island
dongato: Total Freedom
dongato: Duck Family outing
dongato: Mama Duck leads he way
dongato: Low flyer
dongato: Cormoran surfaces with a splash
dongato: They're everywhere
dongato: Pelicans
dongato: Even more Pelicans
dongato: Lots of Pelicans
dongato: Semi-formation flying
dongato: On the fly
dongato: Headed upriver
dongato: Livingston birds
dongato: Pelican Pete
dongato: Pelican
dongato: Cleared to land
dongato: Bird Butt