Donald Booth: Rose in Piazza Navona
Donald Booth: Pantheon Occulus
Donald Booth: St. Peter's "square"
Donald Booth: Angel wrestling a swan
Donald Booth: Perseus with head of Medusa
Donald Booth: Arch in the Roman Forum
Donald Booth: Coliseum
Donald Booth: Michaelangelo's Moses
Donald Booth: Roman Forum
Donald Booth: Campodiglio
Donald Booth: View from the apartment balcony
Donald Booth: Lillies de Tivoli
Donald Booth: Fountain Dog
Donald Booth: Pools and Fountain
Donald Booth: Fountain boys
Donald Booth: Hiding in the vines
Donald Booth: Oval Fountain
Donald Booth: Hedges and fountains
Donald Booth: Waterfall
Donald Booth: Waterfall in the gorge
Donald Booth: Nice view
Donald Booth: Scattered marble
Donald Booth: Public Drinking Fountain
Donald Booth: Siena City Hall
Donald Booth: Collies
Donald Booth: Me and the Cat
Donald Booth: David in Florence
Donald Booth: Horse in the morning