Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Yellow-Headed Blackbirds, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus and one Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus flying around the Merced NWR. Los Banos CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Northern Harrier male, Circus cyaneus, the "Gray Ghost" at San Luis NWR, Los Banos, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: White-faced Ibis, Plegadis chihi, in flight at San Luis National Wildlife Refuge. Los Banos, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Lesser Sandhill Crans, Grus canadensis canadensis, takingoff in the morning fog. Merced NWR, Los Banos CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola, males in flight. Morro Bay Marina, Morro Bay California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Lesser Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis canadensis
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Snow Geese, Chen Caerulescens, and Ross's Geese, Chen rossii, Morning fly-out at Merced NWR.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Lesser Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis canadensis, Morning flight Merced NWR, Los Banos, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Northern Harrier Male, Circus cyaneus, "Gray Ghost" flying low over the corn fields at Merced NWR.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Belted Kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo Co., CA ♂
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon rubricauda melanorhynchos, Kiluea point NWR, Kaua'i, Hawaii
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Short-eared Owl, Aiso flammeus, Saftey Sound off of Council Road. Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Quintana_short-eared Owl_IMG_4754
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Lesser Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis canadensis, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, Los Banos, CA.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Lesser Sandhill Cranes, Grus canadensis canadensis, in flight at Merced NWR, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Rough-legged Hawk, Buteo lagopus, HWY 89 between Gardiner Mt and Bozeman MT
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Great Egret, Ardea alba, coming in for a landing, Oso Flaco Lake, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Brant, Branta bernicla, have arrived in Morro Bay, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, haliaeetus leucocephalus, Hunting American Coots, Sweet Springs Nature Preserve, Los Osos California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Flying by Sweet Springs Nature Preserve in Los Osos California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Flying by in Los Osos, CA Sweet Springs Nature Preserve
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, flying over morro Bay estuary. Morro Bay Ca.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, flying over morro Bay estuary. Morro Bay Ca.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, in hot pursuit of an Osprey, Pandion haliaetus over the bay in Morro Bay, Ca.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-footed Booby, Sula sula rubripes,Gliding in for a landing, Kilauea Point National Wildlfie Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-tailed Tropic Bird, Paethon rubricauda Kilauea Point National wildlife Refuge, Kauai
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Long-tailed Jaeger, Stercorarius longicaudus, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Tundra Swans, Cygnus columbianus, in flight from Safty sound off of Council Road, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-throated Loon, Gavia stellata, fly by on East Park ponds, Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, flying by at eye level. Pismo Beach, CA