Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) on the tundra with Alaska Cotton Grass, Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Musk Ox yearlings, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Semipalmated Plover chick standing along the Solomon River near Nome, Alaska..
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: A Red Fox strolls along the edge of Council Road in Nome Alaska.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Bluethroat singing along Glacier Creek Road, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Clutch Defense by Male and Female Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus, Nome, Alaska...
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Short-eared Owl, Aiso flammeus, Saftey Sound off of Council Road. Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-necked Grebes, Podiceps grisegena, East Park Ponds, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus muta, mile 49 on Kougarok road Nome, Alaska.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Musk Ox, Ovibos muschatus, demonstrating agressive posturing. Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Quintana_short-eared Owl_IMG_4754
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Full moon over the Bering Sea, Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Reindeer Antlers, Rangifer tarandus, on the tundra. Teller Road, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps grisegena, mating call in pond near Swanberg's Dredge, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps grisegena, Display behavior on Swanberg's Dredge pond near Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Moose, Alces alces, Swanberg's Dredge pond, Council Road, Nome Alaska.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus Muta, on Kougarok Road, Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, Kougarok Road, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Photographers Marlin Harms, Rick Derevan, Roland van Rijn, and Tin Man Lee, working the wildlife in Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Pacific Loon, Gavia pacifica, Nome alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Common Raven, Corvus corax, Sfetly Sound, Council Road, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Tundra Swans, Cygnus columbianus, in flight from Safty sound off of Council Road, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes, Surveys a pond from a top a tussock looking for a possble meal. Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Musk Ox Cow and Calf, Ovibos moschatus, Nome, Alaksa
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Willow Ptarmigan, Lagopus lagopus, peering over the roadside on Teller Road. Nome, Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Pacific Golden Plover, Pluvialis fulva, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Long-tailed Jaeger, Stercorarius longicaudus, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, Munching on a reed, Swanberg's Dredge pond, Nome Alaska
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Western Sandpiper, Calidris mauri Nome Alaska