Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Rattler @ Kings Canyon NP
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Red Diamond Rattlesnake (Crotalus ruber) or ( Crotalus exsul) courtesy of Serpentario, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Catalina Rattlesnake (Crotalus catalinesis) courtesy of the La Paz Serpentario
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Baja California Rattlesnake (Croatus Enyo) courtesy of the La Paz serpentario, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Spinytail Iguana (Cternosaura hemilopha) on Rock near El Triunfo, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus, (captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus, captive. Shooting out it's tongue and eating a cricket.
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
A Crickets View. Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus, (Captive) going for a cricket that jumped for its life (not seen)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus (Captive) catching a cricket at the Light Photographic Workshop, Los Osos
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Alligator Snapping turtle, Macrochelys temminckii, captive
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Coastal Horned Lizard (juvenile) Phrynosoma blainvilli. Los Osos, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Leopard Gecko, (juvenille) Eublepharis macularius, Captive, Los Osos, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
New Caladonian Giant Gecko, Rhacodactylus leachianus, Los Osos, CA (Captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
New Caladonian Giant Gecko, Rhacodactylus leachianus, Los Osos, CA (Captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Western Pond Turtle, Actinemys marmorata, Sweet Springs Nature Preserve, Los Osos, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Panther Chameleon, Furcifer pardalis, Los Osos Oaks State preserve, Los Osos, CA (Captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei, displaying its dewlap. Near Lihue on the Island of Kauai, Hawaii
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei, mating habit, Kauai, Hawaii
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography:
Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei, displaying its dewlap. Near Lihue on the Island of Kauai, Hawaii