Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Daddy-long-legs (Phalangium opilio)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Jerusalem Cricket (Stenopelmatus fuscus)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus ?)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Garden Centipede (Lithobius forficatus)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Seven-spotted Ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Roly Poly, Pillbug, Wood Louse (Armadillidium vulgare)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Grass Hopper (stiil working on the specific scientific name)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Ball's Little Shieldback Katydid (Decticita balli)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Ball's Little Shieldback Katydid (Decticita balli)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Milkweed Assasin Bug (Zelus longipes)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Green Leaf Beetle (Trirhabda flavolimbata)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Broad-necked Darkling Beetle (Coelocnemis californicus)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: European Praying Mantis, (Mantis religiosa) Identified and found in San Luis Obispo, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Indian Walkingstick or Stick Insect ( Carausius morosus)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Gray Hairstreak Butterfly (Strymon melinus)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Macleay's Spectra (Extatasoma tiaratum) on White
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Macleay's Spectra (Extatasoma tiaratum) on Black
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Indian Walkingstick or Stick Insect ( Carausius morosus) on black
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Little Bear Beetle (Paracotalpa ursina)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: California Phengodid, Zarhipis integripennis, larviform. You can see the glowing patches along the abdomen. Kings Canyon National Park, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Scorpion, paruroctonus spp. glowing in the dark from a U.V. light. Los Osos, CA (captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Scorpion, paruroctonus spp. glowing in the dark from a U.V. light. Los Osos, CA (captive)
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Jumping Spider, Phidippus adumbratus, Los Osos, CA
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Goldenrod Crab Spider, Misumena vatia waiting for lunch on a poppy, Los Osos, California
Donald Quintana Nature and Wildlife Photography: Jumping Spider, Salticidae Los Osos, California