donald judge: 1970 Not a clue where this is!
donald judge: 1970 New Forest Pony
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Rugby Teachers Mr Dodwell and Mr Watkinson
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Official Photo orginal
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Official Photo crop
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Lunshtime
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Free time
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Daffodils
donald judge: 1970 Marsh Court Prep School Cricket Teache is George ffolkes
donald judge: 1970 Hampshire probably Chuch
donald judge: 1970 bt Goodness knows where!
donald judge: 1970 Yarmouth Pier Isle of White 6 am
donald judge: 1970 Hampshire Wherewell Priory Carving
donald judge: Early 1970s Norfolk Scarecrow