Donald Laing:
IMGP6757 How does he do it ? - he even corrected out of this flip and went on to ride the wave out
Donald Laing:
IMGP6760 Here goes the man in blue, having successfully navigated out of that tight flip
Donald Laing:
IMGP6767 Start-up was a real difficulty in the conditions. Easy to see who of this pair made it and got a ride
Donald Laing:
IMGP6773 Easy does it young fella - shaving big boys is not recommended
Donald Laing:
IMGP6778 The man in the cap easily navigated this wave front
Donald Laing:
IMGP6782 You can see why the man in the cap is a survivor - he is watching the wave like a hawk
Donald Laing:
IMGP6788 Had any good waves lately mate....?
Donald Laing:
IMGP6809 Going back into a breaking wave - he must want to bail out
Donald Laing:
IMGP6817 Two way traffic - coming through Bro!
Donald Laing:
IMGP6819 Another young rider who mixed it with the big boys at the front line
Donald Laing:
IMGP6825 Please send me a wave
Donald Laing:
IMGP6838 Looking back, looking forward and both rode the wave successfully before bailing out
Donald Laing:
IMGP6850 It's that man in blue again - he was a star performer
Donald Laing:
IMGP6880 Having fun in his survival coloured wetsuit
Donald Laing:
IMGP6895 Sometimes being in front of the wave and riding it to the beach was the safer way
Donald Laing:
IMGP6919 Sheer grit and determination allied with a lean into the wave worked well here
Donald Laing:
IMGP6952 Long and lean with the poise of a ballet dancer = good form
Donald Laing:
IMGP6706 Catching some of his own spray after coming off the wave top
Donald Laing:
IMGP6711 Keeping low on the turns was helpful in the conditions
Donald Laing:
IMGP6719 A good cutback then a flip off the wave top - nicely executed
Donald Laing:
IMGP6724 Youthful riders were enjoying the front line action with the big boys
Donald Laing:
IMGP6729 Another youthful rider so enjoying running before the wave front
Donald Laing:
IMGP6748 Whew! have some of my spray young fella
Donald Laing:
IMGP6803 A group of mixed ages and genders wait for the next wave