Donald Laing: IMGP5892 Canada geese juveniles grazing Pauatahanui inlet
Donald Laing: IMGP9821 Gannet Cape Kidnappers
Donald Laing: IMGP9945 Gannet Cape Kidnappers
Donald Laing: IMGP9986 Gannet Cape Kidnappers
Donald Laing: IMGP1024 Honey bee on Hebe showing tongue gathering nectar
Donald Laing: IMGP9783 Mantis eating blowfly
Donald Laing: IMGP9784 Mantis behind Protea leaf
Donald Laing: IMGP8369 Dabchick Waikanae
Donald Laing: IMGP9356 Kereru head
Donald Laing: IMGP0867 Waxeye on bottlebrush
Donald Laing: IMGP0644 Blue blowfly
Donald Laing: IMGP0068 Blue blowfly on Protea flower
Donald Laing: IMGP0700 Thrush with food-begging juvenile
Donald Laing: IMGP0831 Tui Porirua
Donald Laing: IMGP0955 Blue damsel fly Pauatahanui
Donald Laing: IMGP0963 Grey warbler Porirua
Donald Laing: IMGP1064 Red admiral drinks Hebe nectar
Donald Laing: IMGP5812 Native spider Archaearanea with young
Donald Laing: IMGP8716 White tail spider
Donald Laing: IMGP9283 Crane flies mating
Donald Laing: IMGP9238 Bumble bee with tongue in Hebe flower
Donald Laing: IMGP9359 Monarch Butterfly feeding on Hebe
Donald Laing: IMGP9704 Katydid feeding on Hebe flowers
Donald Laing: IMGP8328 Bumble bee gathering Hebe nectar
Donald Laing: IMGP1705 House flies mating
Donald Laing: IMGP1968--Priocnemus-nitidiventris
Donald Laing: IMGP1972--Priocnemus-nitidiventris
Donald Laing: IMGP2054-Priocnemus-nitidiventris
Donald Laing: IMGP2063-Prey of Priocnemus-nitidiventris
Donald Laing: Yellow aphids feeding on swan plant