Dom Ule: There's always time for Sushi
Dom Ule: Yay, leaving rainy Germany!
Dom Ule: First stop: the main train station in Mainz
Dom Ule: Flight schedule
Dom Ule: The Frankfurt Airport
Dom Ule: Direction signs in English.. only!
Dom Ule: Even the walkways changed directions
Dom Ule: Made of bricks, each and every house
Dom Ule: Nekkid British feet
Dom Ule: A British police officer
Dom Ule: IMG_0639
Dom Ule: IMG_0641
Dom Ule: My hotel for the night - the Britannia
Dom Ule: The Britannia from the inside
Dom Ule: Looking down the staircase
Dom Ule: My room (photographed without the smell)
Dom Ule: The view from my room
Dom Ule: Pedestrians' traffic lights
Dom Ule: Chinatown
Dom Ule: Narrow alley
Dom Ule: Chinatown
Dom Ule: IMG_0674
Dom Ule: The library (the circular building)
Dom Ule: IMG_0678
Dom Ule: IMG_0679
Dom Ule: IMG_0681
Dom Ule: IMG_0682
Dom Ule: IMG_0683
Dom Ule: The Town Hall