domit: New Year - New Home
domit: settled!
domit: feeding...
domit: Aquatopia...
domit: New Game - Level 80
domit: lunching!
domit: zoooo
domit: happy walker
domit: chillin'
domit: HipHop style
domit: Interesting program
domit: farm visit
domit: approved!
domit: Sunday's pancakes!
domit: Sunny in Plankendael
domit: Backpack!
domit: 1st Smartmat dinner!
domit: amazing dinner
domit: many teeth...
domit: off we go!
domit: plic-ploc
domit: the in-laws
domit: grand and grand-grand children
domit: Jean- and Marie-
domit: Familly Parent
domit: 1st Smartmat delivery
domit: my weekly Ikea visit...
domit: 2nd Smartmat dinner!
domit: Eastpak festive evening
domit: So happy he won't go out!