domit: Back to life!
domit: Back to reality???
domit: sleeping beauties!
domit: New Game - Level 43
domit: DIY!
domit: Almond and green tea cakes
domit: vanilla cream
domit: Back in the office for Maria's B-day!
domit: with Nad @ I Famosi
domit: this will make my life so much easier!!!
domit: Bûche time!
domit: Late night cooking!
domit: Clara, Louise and Jay
domit: Dinner with Manue
domit: Jay and Simon
domit: Meet Matthieu
domit: Rainy London
domit: Snowy Brussels
domit: rue des Bouchers...way too quiet...
domit: Izaka Ya...still the place to be!
domit: Snooooow
domit: angels!
domit: red scarfs!
domit: My pic in a magazine 0_0
domit: Xmas with my girl!
domit: shake it!
domit: ruuuuun!
domit: snow fight!
domit: and Karaoke!
domit: Rie and Gilles are there!