StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross contre-jour
StormPetrel1: Light-mantled albatross, Crozet Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Yellow nosed albatross, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Iceberg close to Crozet Island, far away from Antarctica. Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Amsterdam albatross, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Yellow nosed albatross, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Yellow nosed albatross, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Yellow nosed albatross, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Falaise d'Entrecasteau, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Grey headed albatross, Kerguelen Island
StormPetrel1: Northern giant petrel, Kerguelen Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Le vol de l'albatros
StormPetrel1: Winter storm, Wellington
StormPetrel1: Albatros a bec jaune
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Sooty albatross. God of the flight. Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: La Cale, Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
StormPetrel1: Mottled petrel, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross, Snares Island, Pacific Ocean
StormPetrel1: Buller's albatross
StormPetrel1: Albatros d'Amsterdam
StormPetrel1: Impavida
StormPetrel1: Storm traveller