Province of Saint Joseph: 2013 Simple Profession Class for the Province of St. Joseph
Province of Saint Joseph: 2013 Simple Profession class
Province of Saint Joseph: prostration in cruciform for simple profession 2013
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Isaac OP makes his Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Nicholas OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Antoninus OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Justin Mary OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. John Paul OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Joseph Martin OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. Norbert OP making Simple Profession of Vows
Province of Saint Joseph: Bro. John Dominic OP making Simple Profession
Province of Saint Joseph: Fr. Benedict OP with 3 Novices at Simple Profession
Province of Saint Joseph: Fr. Ambrose Little OP and Fr. Benedict Croell OP with novices, Bro. Paul and Bro. John Thomas
Province of Saint Joseph: Fr. Benedict Croell OP, Director of Vocations and Fr. James Sullivan OP, Director of Novices
Province of Saint Joseph: Fr. Benedict OP with a few novices and future Dominicans